Ageing Well

The AHSN NENC remains a key partner in the Regional Ageing Well initiative. The ambition is still to work collaboratively across the wider health and care system to improve the health and wellbeing of our ageing population, whilst exploring the significant opportunities for change, workforce development and research.

Frailty iCARE

An ongoing focus is on further development of the Frailty iCARE Toolkit which incorporates evidence-based approaches to care across the frailty journey; key resources and local examples of good practice, underpinned by a dashboard of agreed key outcome metrics. Although, we are continuing our focus on ‘frailty’, we have always taken a life-course approach with the prevention of frailty and the support of people living with frailty. Our approach is aligned very clearly to the wider national programme of work of Ageing Well, Universal Personalised Care and the development of Primary Care Networks.


Regional Ageing Well Network (Community of Practice)

Most of the work is via our Regional Ageing Well Network (Community of Practice), which continues to gather momentum and develop.  The Network brings together a wide range of professionals from across the region who understand frailty and older people’s services.  It is currently developing a strategic voice and vision for frailty in sharing and learning from existing knowledge and practice; identifying and prioritising gaps and common challenges; and generating and sharing ideas for testing and evaluating new initiatives and stimulating ideas for formal evaluation and research.


Overall Aims and Objectives

To develop a ‘whole system’ approach to frailty across the region through the achievement of the following objectives:

  • Improved understanding of frailty and its consequences for older people living with it, their families, communities, and care systems.
  • Focussed workforce development to enable better ways of preventing frailty and supporting those living with frailty.

For more information about the AHSN NENC Frailty Programme contact Anne Richardson

More information on Well Connected Care Homes.